Mens Rea And Actus Reus — The 2 Elements Of A Crime

5 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When you're charged with a crime, understanding your rights is key to protecting and defending yourself. But most people who face the criminal law system aren't familiar with the intricacies of that system. Consider the two elements of a crime. The best way to defend yourself is to know what the prosecution must prove for there to even be a crime committed. Here's what these two elements are. Mens Rea Read More …

An OWI Lawyer Helps You Get Your Life Back

15 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When it feels like your life is on the line, you need all the help you can get. Facing an OWI can be one of the most challenging things you ever experience in your life, which is why you might need an OWI lawyer to help you get your life back. Here are four ways an OWI lawyer can help you get your life back on track. Do you have questions about how an OWI lawyer can be helpful? Read More …

How An Assault Attorney Will Get You The Best Outcome For Your Case

24 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Few things are worse than being charged with an assault you didn't commit. Most of the time, it catches people unawares when they aren't fully prepared to handle it. If you're arrested for such a crime, it's best to contact an assault attorney to protect your rights. Without legal help, prosecutors may develop a strong case against you and get you jailed or punished. This article discusses how assault lawyers can get you the best outcome for your case. Read More …

About Me
Seeking Help From A Criminal Attorney

Hi there, my name is Kennedy Laughlin. Welcome. I am here to talk to you about acquiring help from a criminal attorney. My best friend was recently involved in a situation that resulted in a slew of criminal charges. Although my friend admits to being present, he did not actually commit the crimes that were listed on his charge sheets. When he acquired help from a criminal attorney, he was able to purposefully move through the court process without worry. I created this site to help everyone understand how criminal attorneys can help them fight unfair charges. Thank you for coming by.
